The Truth and Nothing but…
On July 10, 2017 by mysticdd-adminA message from the Universe brought you here today. Your head and heart are full of questions . Are you ready for the answers? A word of warning – I will not sugar coat the response you get. If you can’t handle the truth, (and nothing but the truth), this is not the right place for you and I would recommend you keep looking. If however, honesty appeals to you, keep reading.
Everyone wants credentials. I grew up in a rural area, married my high school sweetheart, raised a family, and changed jobs multiple times. Sounds pretty ordinary, expect for one thing:
I am a Mystic. My strengths lay in seeking out truth in knowledge. Sometimes I gather information through the images shown to me on Tarot or Oracle cards. Other times, a crystal pendulum provides a connection to my guides and the collective consciousness of the Universe. And then again, there are times when the reason and the pathway are a mystery.
Am I a Psychic? That will depend on your definition. Not long ago, I didn’t feel like I should consider myself to be a Psychic. Under my definition, which is only mine, anyone who can accurately read the energy beyond the veil and describe people, places, and events which they can in no way have prior knowledge, earns the title in my mind. Using Tarot cards and calling upon my guides for information provides me a gateway through the veil. Will I one today be comfortable with the title? Possibly.
All titles set aside, do I have Psychic abilities? Yes. Without a doubt. But then again, so does everybody else.
Everyone has the power of intuition within them, that “AHA” moment when you guessed who was calling just as the phone rang. And for some reason we are surprised to be right.
Or you second guessed yourself at a corner while driving. What is the response? “I knew I should have taken that left turn at…” (Even Bugs Bunny had his moments.)
And that gut feeling that something is about to happen, good or bad. We have conditioned ourselves to ignore that little voice in our heads, so our body finds other ways to get our attention.
The only difference between you and me is that I have taken the time to focus on the skills of divination that work the best for me and to use those skills to help others.
You probably have a misty, Hollywood image of a fortune-teller in your mind right now. Time to break a few rules. I don’t wear flowing skirts, yards of chiffon, bells and beads everywhere, and so many rings my fingers shouldn’t be able to move. And I certainly don’t live in a mysterious caravan that appears in the woods from time to time.
Oh, yeah. And lottery numbers?
Don’t’ even ask. Do you really think I would be working if I could pick the winning numbers out of thin air? If that were possible, you would never be able to find a Psychic when you needed one. We would all be our private islands enjoying sun, sand, and surf without a care in this world, or the next. Since that isn’t happening any time soon, here I am, at your service.
So you ask, what about telling me my future. That’s not going to happen either. But why not? Because the future is fluid. Every decision you make, every choice you consider, has the potential to change the outcome that I can see right now. When you ask the questions, the energy at that moment is the answer you will get. What you decide to do with the information forms the future you receive.
You should also know that nothing is carved in stone. Questions similar to “will my court case be resolved soon” or “will I come into money this year” are acceptable. “Will I get pregnant?” or “Should I sell this stock?” are not ones I prefer to respond to. Every choice involves variables that are out of any reader’s control.
Be advised that, while I will do everything I can to make this a positive experience, if the cards say other wise, it will not be all sunshine and roses. But chances are, if you are looking for an alternate source for your answer, you are really just looking for confirmation of something you already know. I will not give you a false hope reading just to protect your feelings. That is not why I am here. I am that stranger that will give it to you straight. Whether or not you hear what is said is up to you.
The choice is always yours.