Let’s Have Some Fun With This!
Looking for something new to do? Are Book of the Month and Tupperware parties losing their charm?
Why not bring some friends together for an Energy Enlightenment Party?
There are very simple “rules”:
You need to invite your friends, six is a good number.
You need to set up a quiet corner for me to meet your friends, one at a time, preferably set away from the rest of the guests. Information presented by the cards is often sensitive and best kept private. The area should be well lit but not spot lighted. Two or three chairs are perfect. I will bring the table.
A tissue box would be appreciated. Information presented can often trigger emotional responses.
While the atmosphere should be festive, I recommend that your guests wait to excessively indulge in alcohol or other substances until after their reading is completed. One or two drinks in advance is acceptable. Clients who are visibly intoxicated will be refused.
Each guest will have the option of making notes for themselves or asking a friend to write the information down as we go. They will also have the option of recording their own session on their cell phones or other recording device if they wish. No formal recording will be provided.
Guests should prepare their question in advance, using the list of suggestions below. Each guest will be given 20 minutes of discussion, including the individual introduction period and shuffling of the deck.
Please provide each guest with the following list of suggestions:
What do I need to know today?
What do I need to focus on this week?
What in my history is affecting me today?
What can I expect to happen to me this year?
Is my relationship solid?
When will my love life improve?
Should I stay in my current job?
What do I need to do to advance my career?
When will I become financially stable?
Am I ready for a new relationship/new career/new home?
Is this the right time to change my relationship/career/home?
What do I need to do to move forward/make changes in my life?
$25.00 per person (20 minutes each, includes a small gift). The host/hostess bonus is one free 20 minute reading for the host/hostess if over 6 people in attendance.
Please collect the funds for me beforehand or at the start of the evening (this avoids any awkwardness later).
Advanced readings (Celtic cross or mediumship) are to be arranged prior to the event or scheduled for an alternate date and time.
Travel: included under 30 km. Please confirm travel costs in advance for parties outside of the included travel distance.
For the rest of the “fine print”, please check the Energy Enlightenment Party Information page.