Where did THAT come from?
On August 2, 2017 by mysticdd-adminHave you ever taken the time to notice that events that have the biggest emotional impact, births, weddings, deaths, are the easiest to recall? I have found that the strongest energies are emotions. They root us in our memories and they are easiest to read through the veil. They stay with us, become part of our soul memory that travel with us from lifetime to lifetime.
Our past lives bring forward memories of times and beings we have no concrete knowledge of in our modern world.
Often we bring with us fears and information that make no sense in the world we are in today. Why are some people “deathly” afraid of snakes? Or spiders?
Why do heights affect some people and not others? The same with deep water. Or caves.
There are fundamental fears that the majority of the population will acknowledge. The most common one is death. Yet we have all died before. So where does the fear come from?
If a past death were particularly traumatic, and we brought the soul memory through with us, would that affect our feelings about death in this life?
Take the fear of a snakes as an example. If you have never been in contact with a venomous snake, why do they give you heart palpitations, sudden loss in blood pressure, trouble breathing, panic attacks, anxiety, sweating? These are symptoms your body would go through after being bitten and affected by venom.
There is no reason for the total body experience reminiscent of an event you have not had in this lifetime.
Take a look at your own fears and what makes you shudder. Does being up higher than six feet make you dizzy and off balance, or simply uncomfortable? Does being in an elevator or an underground parking garage make you uneasy? And that little spider in the corner? What harm can he do to you, the full grown human?
Past Life Regression is a method of looking at pieces of your soul memory that have traveled with you to this lifetime. By understanding where, when, and who you have been in the past, brings clarity to who you are now.
As an example, at one time my soul was housed in a High Priestess or Healer, sometime in the Middle Ages, maybe the Middle East. Then, as now, I stood up for what I knew would help people. Back then, the result was not so enlightened. Speaking out cost me my life and those around me suffered. While there have been lifetimes in between, what I have brought forward in this one is the fear of being noticed, of being rejected for my beliefs, of being persecuted for speaking my truth. That manifested as a need to be accepted, so I have always filtered my words so I wouldn’t offend anyone. There was a need to be absolutely right before voicing my opinion, a tend towards needing perfection – if there is nothing wrong, there can be no fault or blame. If it can’t be perfect, no one gets to see it, so I can’t be judged. These “needs” coloured my decisions every day, but I had no conscious thought of them. By understanding where these deep rooted fears and beliefs are, I have been able to face them and take a hard look around me. These are not the Middle Ages. Not likely to be hung, or thrown off a cliff, or drowned in this time and place.
As I examine my past lives, I gain clarity on what I have been missing in this life and why I have made some of the decisions that I have.
It also changes how I interpret the world around me now, very differently that just one year ago. As I clear the energy blocks and reach an understanding with my own abilities, I am able to accept those pieces of my soul that I have shied away from for so long.
Will people look at me strangely? Probably. Will they laugh at my ideas? Likely. Am I going to be crushed by that, unable to speak my truth. Not this time.
Accept this truth: it is only your own opinion of yourself that really matters . This is my lesson for today.