Faeries Unicorns and Dragons, Oh My!
On May 31, 2018 by mysticdd-admin{Part One}
Perhaps you, as I am, are already a believer in forces and things that we cannot see, in the collective understanding that we are not all that is here, that other dimensions exist – where mystical and magickal beings exist – when dimensional planes blur, we see/sense/and connect with beings from these other spaces. Opening ourselves up to this collective consciousness allows us to witness things not seen on this plane, fantastical beings with roots in their own reality.
Today we are going to examine our belief systems, and we can have more than one. Ultimately our ability to accept what we cannot see comes down to what we believe in.
I would like you to take a minute to reflect on where your beliefs come from. Are they based in family traditions, rituals and rites of a religious group or church, from ideologues you were taught in school, or are they a collection of thoughts, ideas, and knowings that you have developed for yourselves over the years?
Our belief systems change as we “grow up”, as we question where we got them from, what they are based upon, and if they are still relevant to us. While many find solace and comfort in the structure of an organized religion, there are equally as many who have begun to look in other directions as our intuitive natures become more developed.
For myself, I grew up in a Christian faith, but one which was open to asking questions, of being accepting of any and all who would join. This was good for foundational faith, as well as developing the skills needed to release any bias about other faiths, beliefs, or lifestyles of people that I come to know or have contact with. At the heart of it all, is the belief that there is a higher power, which may or may not be male or female and may just simply “be”, that we each have a purpose on this earth, and that, no matter our belief system, there are some fundamental truths that should govern us all. The Christian faith calls them the Ten Commandments, but at the root of it all is simply the fact that we need to be kind to one another, be respectful, and be responsible for our actions.
One other commonality across the varied religions, both modern and ancient, is the belief in one or more beings that we cannot see, an understanding that there is more out there than we can comprehend.
No matter what level of belief you associate with, there is one thing that still rings true. We are willing to accept help from invisible beings, whether we call them gods or goddesses, angels, or spirits, each serving their own purpose in our lives. How wondrous and magical it is to have that understanding – that there are truly other beings out there, willing to help us, listening to our prayers and requests for assistance, even as the scientific community searches for proof of alien life, without having the comfort of “knowing” that they are right, even without the evidence our rational minds claim we need.
Everyone needs a little magic in their lives. As children, we were so open and accepting of the little things, the magic, the creature that you could only see out of the corner of your eye. We had imaginary friends and that was OK, our rational brains had not put limits on what we could see or accept as being real. As we “grow up”, we suspend our ability to believe until some voice inside reminds us of what we are missing.
As a medium, I have come to acknowledge that there really are “more things on heaven and earth” then we can even imagine. By stepping outside of the restrictions placed upon us by the modern church, our traditions, and our education systems, we can begin to “see” what else is, or could be out there.