My Energy Signature
On May 18, 2017 by mysticdd-adminI have been working with Tarot cards and divination for more than 10 years, but used it mainly as a tool for friends and family.
More recently, I have spent time researching the meanings in the cards, and reaching out to strangers and online contacts to expand my intuitive powers and ability to “see” at a distance.
In-person and distance readings have completely different feelings, but the results are the same. When the right question is asked, the answers are there to be told.
What is a “right” question? Sometimes it is a simple ”yes” or “no” query – Will I get the job I applied for?
But most often the reasons for the question are more complicated – Is this the right job for me? Am I qualified? Will I be happy in this job? The cards are most interested in the questions you don’t ask and will often provide an answer you didn’t know you were asking.
The cards almost always surprise me. Good news or bad, they are very clear about what you need to hear.
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