Magnificent Methods of Mediumship
On January 12, 2019 by mysticdd-adminWhat is Mediumship and what isn’t it? Ask any medium that question and you will get a different answer.
Mediumship is explained in many ways but it all boils down to communicating with the dead. Cue the movie quote “I See Dead People”
If all you know about mediumship comes from movie references like that one, here comes some new information.
Yes, mediums are often depicted at seances, with spooky lighting, the floating table and the strange knocking.
I have fallen into the trap myself, of thinking that people will believe me more if I “look the part”. You know the one, long flowing robes, dark wind strewn hair, the wild eyes that “see all”.
Personally, I think people get a little creeped out by that, and I tend to scare people already, just by the fact that my energy is strong enough for them to sense it.
Mediumship is a method of communication with the deceased, most simply pictured as a focused beam of energy. It is able to traverse through space and time to reach the energy signature that was once a person or animal on this plane/planet, in this time and space.
It is often referred to as reaching through the veil. This time of year, nearing Hallowe’en, the veil between planes or worlds is believed to be the thinnest. Celebrations connecting to ancestors and loved ones have been a part of the human existence for centuries, long before Hollywood gave us the haunted house and creepy lighting.
Throughout time, the method of mediumship has not changed. There have always been individuals whose energy was aligned with that of the next world, and those beyond.
As we become more and more attuned to the fact that we are nothing more than energy contained within a collection of cells which come together to make the body we walk around in, we also become aware of the energies around us.
Within us are the Chakra energy centers that we are all becoming more familiar with. But most are unaware that we have energy points throughout our bodies that are all working in tandem with our aura and our sympathetic systems. These energy points are what are targeted when you get acupuncture done.
The easiest way to show two common ones which are within your palms.
Take your hands and rub them against each other in circles until they feel warm.
Gently move them apart about 6 inches.
Now, gradually bring them back towards each other.
Pay close attention to the energy sensation between your hands as you do this. You will find a point where you can sense the energy as resistance or weight. You have found your strongest aura field, likely the layer that is closest to your physical body. With time and concentration, you can expand the area between your hands and gently sense each layer of your aura as subtle energetic differences. It is these layers that Reiki masters and practitioners use to adjust your energy flows, the same fields you tap into when you meditate or dream, imagine, and look for creative inspiration.
When you are in tune with your energy fields, you become more aware of the early warning system that is built into it. That subtle red flag that comes up when you are in potential danger or are making a decision that your guides would like to suggest you re-think. Sometimes we call it conscience, that voice in your head, your gut, intuition, whatever title you give it, tune into it. This is the energy channel your guides use to communicate to you in the best way they can.
When you have dialed in on this channel, now you have to open your other senses to begin listening for the signs, signals, and messages, in whatever form they come to you.