The Turning of the Wheel
On September 25, 2019 by mysticdd-adminThe seasons are changing, the weather in my part of the world begins to carry the hints of autumn. The wind speaks of crisp apples, leaves drifting down to be crunched underfoot as children play in the cooling breezes. Many view this time of year as the closing of year, the final turn of the […]
“I’m an Empath” — Now what??
On August 14, 2019 by mysticdd-adminOne of the most common changes to awareness levels in this new age of enlightenment is the sudden realization that empathy is more than just a feeling generated through the interaction with other people who are in need of understanding. Being an Empath is so much more, yet no where near as complicated as it […]
Being a “Modern” witch: Healing your Energy
On April 11, 2019 by mysticdd-adminI recently recorded a podcast with my friend Rachel, discussing ways to be a “witch” in the modern world. In our talk, we went over simple ways to incorporate your practice in subtle ways that don’t advertise what you are doing yet let you be who you are. Some are super simple, like boosting your […]
Magnificent Methods of Mediumship, Part 4
On March 6, 2019 by mysticdd-adminMediumship comes through in several ways. Spiritual or Mental mediumship covers the “Clairs”, pendulum work, scrying. Manifestations fall in here as those with clairvoyance are able to see them. Physical mediumship is when the energy you are contacting makes its presence know by flickering lights, tapping, moving objects, etc. Healing mediumship is when a healing […]
Magnificent Methods of Mediumship, Part 3
On January 31, 2019 by mysticdd-adminBefore you make a connection to the other side, you need to understand what your personal filters give you in the form of messages. I am an empathic medium which means that I work best with the energies on both sides at an emotional level. The messages I receive can be more detailed, but are […]
Magnificent Methods of Mediumship, Part 2
On January 22, 2019 by mysticdd-adminHave you ever walked into a room and realized that someone has just been there, but isn’t now. If you “listen” to the subtle energetic clues, you can source out where they have gone, without really being aware of what you are doing, in a way, like a bloodhound uses scent to follow someone. On […]
Magnificent Methods of Mediumship
On January 12, 2019 by mysticdd-adminWhat is Mediumship and what isn’t it? Ask any medium that question and you will get a different answer. Mediumship is explained in many ways but it all boils down to communicating with the dead. Cue the movie quote “I See Dead People” If all you know about mediumship comes from movie references like that […]
Tarot Spreads and Guides
On October 18, 2018 by mysticdd-adminQuestions Beyond the Veil Who’s Out There spread […]