Magnificent Methods of Mediumship, Part 2
On January 22, 2019 by mysticdd-adminHave you ever walked into a room and realized that someone has just been there, but isn’t now. If you “listen” to the subtle energetic clues, you can source out where they have gone, without really being aware of what you are doing, in a way, like a bloodhound uses scent to follow someone. On an energetic level, you can “reach out” and sense if someone is happy or sad, if they are hurt, or if they feel loved or lost. We do this every day, all day. If you are an empath, you not only feel the energy, but you absorb it, feel it as if it were your own. Distinguishing the difference between your energy and someone else’s then becomes more difficult and can be very draining. Just as proper energetic boundaries are needed for empaths to minimize the impact, so too should mediums develop and utilize boundaries.
As mediumship is an energetic connection, it is easy to see how people might be afraid to try it, concerned that the energy they are reaching could harm them. I cannot say that it would never happen. Absolutes are not in my vocabulary. Instead, I would caution people to use common sense. The energetic field that you have in place, your aura, also acts as an early warning system. You use it everyday when you meet people. Your aura sends out a signal to “read” the person before you. With nothing more than a handshake, you ascertain whether or not the person is reliable, trustworthy, honest, or not so much. Every one of us has met someone who, before they even speak, your aura radar screams at you “don’t go there!”. Often we disregard the warning, and it is often to our own detriment.
The best example I have is from my dog, Maggie. When we were renovating our home, we had a large number of contractors bidding on pieces of the job, and wandering in and around our home. One person that came by set my “spidey senses” off, but really triggered Maggie. She would not let him out of her sight and kept her hackles up the whole time he was on the property. I heeded her warning and he was not hired to do any work for us. Dogs know people better than we can pick up. They are a great “familiar” to have around.
If you intend to do mediumship work on a regular basis, set up the personal boundaries that suit you best. And get a familiar. They are great at letting you know if there is any energy hanging around that is not there for your best interests.
If you cannot have a pet, there are other options that will alert you to unwanted guests in your home. The simplest is a glass of salt water and vinegar placed in the room for 24 hours. If there is a presence, the salt will rise in the liquid and your space needs to be cleared.
Clearing space can be as simple as ringing a small bell, or using a singing bowls to create a resonance. Smudging with sage or palo santo and wafting the area with a feather is a good way of pushing good energy into spaces and encouraging other energies to move on. Some people smudge on a weekly or even daily basis. How often you cleanse your space is up to you.
Let’s talk about setting up your personal boundaries.
The easiest one is the hardest to explain. Picture an invisible neon sign above your head. We all have one. Mine either reads “Go Ahead. Ask Me.” or “I’m in charge”, I am never sure which one is shining brightest. You can quickly figure out what other people are “seeing” by how they respond to you. Are you the person that everyone turns to in a crisis? Then it is probably like mine. Other signs might be “I’m here to help” or “I am reliable”.
Whatever your personal energy, you can change what the sign says to those that have passed on. If you are not in charge of your energy, you have essentially posted an “Open for Business” sign 24/7/365. This gives energies and entities a lighthouse that they are attracted to. Your energy signature shines like a beacon to them, regardless of whether or not you asked for them to contact you, or if you even know who they are. This openness gives them access to you and they will continue to “talk” to you to get their message across even if you can’t understand the language yet. Often people will complain about headaches and nightmares, being exhausted even after they thought they had slept well, simply because their neon sign gave the spirit side the ability to tap in and send message after message hoping to be heard.
Once you understand that this sign is yours to control, do so. I don’t recommend shutting it off completely. Your energy field and psychic abilities will fight against it, causing other issues. But you should decide where and when you want to be open for business. And when it is not convenient for you, turn the light off. Every action is based on intent. So use it. If you intend to listen, flip the switch on and watch what happens.